Sunday, 10 May 2009

Flint Tournament

Hello Everyone,

The summer tournament programme 'Kicked' off (No pun intended) with our very own club tournament at Flint Town United Football ground. Firstly, many thanks to Roger and Keith who done a sterling job of the organisation.

We found ourselves in unfamiliar territory with a full squad to choose from. The standard was high, with teams participating from both sides of the border(some of them forgot their passports)
As for the games themselves, I felt we were unlucky not to progress to the quarterfinal stage with two consecutive 1-0 defeats causing the damage. Again we just couldn't turn the possession into goals. Still, we ended on yet another high point with a fine performance and consequently, a win.

The final was contested between Hoylake and Deeside, with Hoylake taking the honours. Congratulations to Gordon and his team.

The next tournament is at Carmel School on Saturday 16th kick off 10:00 and not Sunday 17th as first thought. Sorry !! my mistake.

P.S. The 'Midges' must of heard about the tournament, they were queuing up on the marsh rubbing their hands at such a fine collection of victims (sod the burgers) to munch on.

See you at training

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